I’m a photographer from the Netherlands. Enschede, close to the German border.
I’ve bought my first camera when I was some 12 years old and started to developed film and to print my photos not long after.
Getting older I stopped doing photography for several years. No time, too many other interests. Life as it was happening, until the end of the previous century when my son was born.
So I picked up the camera again. At first, film developing and printing. Later digital, starting with a Canon Powershot G3 then moving via a Minolta 7D and the Sony A65 to my current Sony A7III.
In parallel, I also picked up a Mamiya RB67 and started to work on medium format analogue film. Currently (as of the end of 2019) I also started to develop my own film again.
Where first it was more about learning to make a decent photo, it’s now about getting a better quality negative, the process and the chemistry behind it all.
Being able to use camera’s which were unaffordable in my youth but which are now available at reasonable prices is great and it makes for some very interesting times!
Hidden down here, just for Google and the like to find, is a link to my Cosmicos 1802 Tribute page. I found it back when cleaning up some drives and decided to add it here, a bit hidden. Sorry, this one page is in Dutch!