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Red fruits

Just for something completely different this image with the subject “Red”.

A single leaf sticking out

This image is as much about the background as about the subject. Sure, the leaf isn’t perfect, but then again, perfection is often boring anyhow. The back is…

Los Hoes Het Lammerinkswonner 2020

One of my favourite spots, especially in autumn when the trees in the background start getting the autumn colours.

Some autumn images

Made a round around the house to grab some very autumny shots.

A single tree

This tree had a nice yellow colour standing out against the dark trees in the background.

Autumn in the Netherlands

While giving landscape photography another try (which failed mostly btw) I remembered on my way home this wall with deep red leaves. Just put my bike as an…

Mushrooms 2020 #2

More mushrooms. Regretfully also more of the same, but also a few of a different kind.

Mushrooms 2020

A more successful search for mushrooms, regretfully mostly the same as every year. I guess it has to with the high nitrogen levels in the ground around here.

Autumn 2020

Today was a nice day to start looking from some mushrooms and maybe even the first coloured leafs. Regretfully it wasn’t a lot yet, but still got a…

First mushroom of the season

It’s very early but as I had seen a few mushrooms along the road I went to one of my usual spots. Not much there though, but this…